SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is the dominant protocol used globally for VoIP communications and Vida’s AI agent platform natively supports inbound calls via SIP.

Configuring your SIP Outbound Routes

Before your Vida agent can send outbound calls over SIP, you need to add your SIP Outbound route to your SIP Outbound Routes list. You can do this via API or via the Settings -> Developer page in your account.

Vida SIP Outbound Route Image

Format of the SIP Outbound Route

{Domain or IP}:{SIP Port};transport={tcp or udp};proxyAddress={domain or IP}:{proxy port}

Domain or IP (Required) - This is the SIP Domain you want calls to be sent to. This supports SIP SRV records or A records. This value will be present in the Request URI and To header host portions.

SIP Port (Optional) - This is the SIP port the request will be sent to. If a proxy address is specified, this is ignored and proxy address port settings are used. If not specified, port 5060 will be used.

transport= (optional) - This is the transport setting you want to use for the request. Valid settings are tcp or udp. If specified, this will be the transport used. If not specified, transport will default to udp.

Proxy Address (optional) - If specified, this will be the IP or Domain the requests are sent to. This supports SIP SRV records or A records. You can also optionally specific a port here. Port will default to 5060.

Usage Examples

Sending to a SIP Domain and using transport udp on port 5060

Sending to a SIP Domain using tcp on port 6000;transport=tcp

Sending to a SIP domain through a SIP proxy with address using udp on port 5060;

Sending to a SIP domain through a SIP proxy with address that needs TCP transport on port 6000;transport=tcp;