The Record Audio function allows your AI phone agents start and stop recording audio at any point during a phone call. This recording will be available IN ADDITION to the automatic whole call recording. This feature is very useful if you need to keep records of opt-ins, confirmation, agreements, or similar compliance requirements.

Adding a Record Audio Function

To add a Record Audio function to your agent:

  1. Log into your account and navigate to the agent editor.
  2. Click the (+) button in the Functions section and select the “Record Audio” function.

Configuring the Record Audio Function

Once added, you should include instructions on when the agent should start or stop audio recordings. For example, you might tell it to begin recording during a specific step of a questionaire and stop immediately after concluding that step.

You can also tell your agent to optionally include a “notice” when it starts or stops recording. This will be a spoken string of text generated by your Agent.

Example Configuration

Here is an example of how you might configure the Record Audio function:

When you reach step 5 of our onboarding questions, immediately start recording audio before continuing. You should stop recording immediately after concluding step 5. Please also use the 'notice' attribute to let the caller know you've started or stopped recording.

Retrieving Recordings

There are a number of ways to retrieve recordings your AI Agent initiates.

  • The recordings will be available in the Agent’s inbox for download.
  • The recordings are available on the message object when accessing it via API.
  • The recordings are present on all post-conversation webhooks configured, including any Agent initiated webhooks during and at the end of calls via a agentRecordings object included in the payloads.