The Reporting function allows your AI phone agents to log specific data after handling a conversation. The data your agent stores can be anything, call outcomes, dispositions, things that happened, data that was collected. Note that by default your Vida agent only stores the most recent 10,000 logs. Talk to sales about increasing this limit. You can also use our API to download and archive logs.

Adding a Reporting Function

To add a Reporting function to your agent:

  1. Log into your account and navigate to the agent editor.
  2. Click the (+) button in the Functions section and select the “Reporting” function.

Configuring the Reporting Function

Once added, you can customize the Reporting function to suit your needs by telling it what data it should store after handling a converation. Configuration should include fields, and examples.

Example Configuration

Here is an example of how you might configure a Reporting function:

Meta fields and data you should always collect and report on:
  "disposition": {Choose: "transferred", "disconnected", "voicemail"},
  "satisfaction": {Judge whether the caller would have been satisfied, true or false},
  "investor": "{If an investor calls, mark as true}"