Update Agent
Update an agent
Vida API Token
Type for this agent
Title for Agent
Some description
Message users see when initially visiting a agent
Media (e.g. Video Links) users see when initially visiting a campaign attached object such as a room or chatAgent
Audio file (mp3) that is played when someone dials into your campaign Phone Number. This file must be uploaded to your vida media
Array of any http links to reference for external knowledge for your agent
Actions that your agent can take including instructions and settings
Agent voice model to use
Text to speech engine for this agent
, 11labs
Agent language to be used for voice and transcriptions
, es-MX
, es-ES
, es-US
Message sent to the user after they have received a reward from a chatAgent or sponsored room
Media (e.g. Video Links) users see along with your post reward message
Message sent to the user after reward grant that has met the minimum quality lead score
Minimum lead score to be considered a quality lead. Will move to priority inbox and trigger postRewardQualifiedLeadMessage if set
Agent instructions for user interaction. This is for chatAgents only